Neat and charming art style.
Neat and charming art style.
The animation varied and got a bit rough in parts but for a student film with a deadline I can see how lower framerate animation and other compromises would be necessary.
Overall art and designs are very nice. At 10 minutes long it's an impressive production and clearly high levels of planning and work went into this. Well done.
Thank you so much for watching and your honest opinion! Definitely if I had a bigger crew to help, animation would've been fully fantastic! I had to do alot of stuff on my own, writing, design, storyboarding, animation (rough, tie down and cleanup stage) painting backgrounds, editing, etc... while organizing the whole thing, plus doing all of this ontop of other classwork and assignments. So yeah sometimes ya got to make a sacrifice in some point :D
I really dig the simple aesthetic of this series. But I do think the voice work in this one is weaker.
Nice work. A well executed short with nice comedic timing. The orally made sound effects kill me.
An interesting piece of work.. though If you want to get a message out there, I would avoid using manipulative music. If i'm on the fence about an issue and I watch an opinionated video on that issue which contains music that tries to force you to feel something, It will only drive me to side with the opposition.
The animation was simple but good and I agree with the message too. Art is a special service in that few people can do it (most people don't have any artistic talent) there for it is worth more and good artists should be paid a much higher rate than people who perform common services such as Cashiers or Waiters (jobs that anyone can perform). Too many people fail to realize this.
Although I realist the main character had to accept the offer in order for you to make the rest of your points, in my opinion the fact that he accepts what seems to be a shitty offer makes him harder to sympathies with.
While i don't find this to be moving or powerful like others do, I do find it to be a good little animated film. 3.5 stars
abit of a fact that when I first show the animation to errorcell it did struck him hard to the similarities hes facing. and from the first take, the music he composed fitted so well with it.
he tried composing other music tones but in the end, we went back to the first one. think he really put all out on this piece as the animation did invoke his feelings of his experience in this industry.
Ha you're a cool guy mr Lobster but damn you've got some tone and pitch issues when it comes to singing. That's not to say you should stop trying tho.
Very nice work here! just a few things tho.. I'm a little confused as to why this game ad features angry birds and candy crush characters. They don't appear to be in the actual game. Is it just demographic pandering? or is there some other reason?.. perhaps them being hunted down serves as a metaphor for OTTTD being superior to other mobile device games? the strategy and message wasn't entirely clear to me. As for the art and animation, for the most part it was fantastic but at times some things looked significantly less polished than others, also characters hands sometimes magically changed from 4 fingered to 5 or vice versa. Inconsistencies like that just bother me... a lot more than they probably should. Over all tho this is a great animation with quality art and voice acting. That alone would make me consider buying the game... if I had a smart phone.... and if i didn't hate tower defense games...
Using recognizable characters was certainly intentional. The point though of those games was to give the message "here's a new game on the mobile market, and it's taking on the competition." Whether it does or not is to be seen. But that's the main reason (at least story wise).
last time I reviewed your work, i said that your animation looked to be improving. I don't see it here. I mean you're still using 2 frame movements and still abusing tweens which makes your animation look very dull. The voice acting is pretty good and the art is nice and clean as always but i thought by now you would have improved on some things.
(also at 00:42 his shadow has a black line in it and it bothers me)
Wow these lyrics are poorly written. is this the the extent of Egoraptor's humour now?
Video game reference, sex joke, repeat and then end with a cringeworthy punchline. it's so cheap and predictable ah... obviously i won't take points off you for this. i'm just shocked he could make something so bad... any way I digress. Your animation was decent but i think there's a lot of room for improvement. All the character's movements were pretty good but the characters themselves could be better. I think their designs should be more refined and consistent through out the animation. also I know it's a pain but if you spend the extra time going through and cleaning up you line work more it can really make your animation look a lot more professional.
In summary: I think your on the right track on the animation side but your drawing skills could be improved upon a fair bit.
This deserves more attention. I love your humor.
I'm an artist/animator/guitarist from Australia, although I wouldn't say I'm particularly good at any one of those things.
Age 31, Male
Joined on 7/1/11